
Sunday Worship is at 10:00 A.M. Currently, you can watch the Worship service from the link on the home page or on YouTube at atholcongregationalucc.  Worship is the heart beat of our life together. We celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month.


Please dress comfortably. We do not have a dress code and you will find just about all manners of dress from shorts and jeans to suit and tie and dresses. No matter how you are dressed you will not feel out of place.

Worship Style

The message you will hear will be relevant to your daily life. It will contain solid Christian theology based upon the Bible. It will be interesting, humorous and sometimes it will tug at your heart. We have a wonderful choir and music playing a variety of Hymns and Christian music. The worship service will last about 60 minutes. Communion is served the first Sunday of the month, you need not be a member to receive communion.

Families With Children

Children are important to the life of our church and are welcome to stay with you during worship. We have a small play area for parents and their babies and toddlers. The nursery and Sunday School programs run simultaneously with the worship services. We have a nursery for infants through toddler ages. Periodically, we have a “Family Sunday” when children, youth and adults all worship together.


Youth (grades 7 to 12) go directly to their own classroom at 10:00 for a combined discussion and worship time.


Guests are not expected to contribute to the offering. We want you to feel welcome as our guest with no pressure to give. The offerings we do collect provide the revenues to allow us to provide local and worldwide ministries.

Coffee Hour

You are invited to stay for coffee (or tea), refreshments and fellowship immediately following service.


Our vision for the church is one in which all are invited and made to feel welcome. To that end, Athol Congregational Church is engaged in ongoing efforts to make our building and community accessible to people of all ages and abilities.

Wheelchair Access

We want to make our building and community accessible to people of all ages and abilities.

Handicapped Parking

Handicapped parking spaces are available at the front of the church, on the side near the handicapped entrance and in the first row in the parking lot.

Wheelchair Access

We are fully wheelchair accessible at our front entrance. We have an elevator on the left as you enter the building. To the right is our handicapped accessible restrooms. In the sanctuary, we have wheelchair accessible pews on the right in the front.

Location and Directions

We are located at 1225 Chestnut Street, directly across from the Uptown Common in Athol. For directions to the Athol Congregational Church, simply click “Directions” (in blue) on this map and follow the instructions on how to get written directions from your location to the church.

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